Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sleeping Like a Baby

When you google the term "sleeping like a baby" it is defined as sleeping soundly.  For example "nothing can wake me, I sleep like a baby".  There is no author listed for this phrase.  I would like to find him for a sit down discussion  and ask him questions like....Do you have kids? Do they have special powers? Was it opposite day when you coined this phrase? Were you on crack?  You may have noticed that I assume the author is a "him".  That in itself my provide the explanation.

There are often mornings that my husband wakes up refreshed and rested and is thrilled that the baby has slept through the night with no interruptions.  I quickly glance (or maybe glare) at him with dark circles under my eyes and provide him with the breakdown of the early morning hours of baby cries, sweet babbling (however cuter in the PM hours), and random call outs from the 2 year old.  He will look at me confused and say "Really? I must have been sleeping like a baby".  Hello!?!  Perhaps in my household we should reinvent this over used and misused phrase to "sleeping like a man".  Yes, I like it.  Maybe it should go on one of those pictures with witty phrases that floats around pinterest.  Imagine a picture of baby screaming, a man sleeping, and a mom stepping on land mines (toys scattered around the house) as she makes one more trip to the babies room in darkness.  Don't forget the dark circles!!

Lately, I have been trying to encourage baby R to soothe himself and get himself to sleep. Putting him to sleep drowsy and awake, checking on him briefly when he cries, and yes.......the controversial Cry It Out method.

When I visited my sister recently, we noticed that R is very attached to me.  Some (my sister) would say obsessed.  I am extremely blessed to have a baby that can clearly communicate his emotions of love for me in unmistakable ways.  I know this and I love every piece of him.  However, I also think it is important that he is able to soothe himself on his own.  I am a fan of the Cry It Out method.  Don't throw stones if you are totally against this.  Thats okay.  We all have our own ways of doing what we think is right for our families.

Night #1 - Layed in crib drowsy and awake wrapped in his miracle blanket with his legs exposed.  We think he is able to get out of the miracle blanket using his legs. Cried for a total of 45 minutes with check ins at 5 minute intervals.  I mean....REALLY cried.  He was angry and no longer drowsy.  I went in for just a minute, rubbed his head and straightened him back up in the crib (he moves himself all over the place). The last check in came from D.  The baby never cried again.  Not even through the night.

Night #2 - Layed in crib drowsy and awake wrapped in his miracle blanket with legs exposed. He cried for 10 minutes (not nearly as angry this time) before I checked on him. I straightened him back up, rubbed his head, and left.  He went to sleep.  He woke up a couple of times in the night and "talked", but went back to sleep.  I woke him up in the morning and the miracle blanket was wrapped around his neck.......EEEEK!! That was scary! No more miracle is time to give it up.

Night #3 - He fell asleep before I could lay him down in the crib.  So he went down asleep with no miracle blanket.  I am very nervous at this point!!!!  He took about an hour nap and then began to cry.  Not a bad cry, more of a whine.  D was quick to say that we are going to have to wrap him up for him to sleep.  I wanted to hold out.  And guess what? He went back to sleep!! He again woke up a couple of times to talk, but never cried.

That is the update so far!!!

I have also been up since 4:11 AM when RL called out that she had teeteed in the bed.  Then she wanted to read books for an hour.  We read 22 of them.  I was suppose to have my repeat uranalysis this morning to follow up with my glucose, however fasting is required.  There is just no possible way I can be up since 4:11 with no coffee.  Clearly it was postponed.

I read an inspiring blog post this morning that simply being a mom is enough.  The words are encouraging and remind me that I am guilty everyday of trying to accomplish too many things in a 24 time period.  The hour of reading I did with RL at 4:11 AM  matters.  That being said......I should take the rest of the day off. :)

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