Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I havent blogged in a while due to so many things going on right now! My Big Whit Leadership Conference is Saturday so that has taken alot of prep work. Ruddick has had an ear infection which means he hates the world. Plus I have been sick which means I hate my husband. Not really...healthy people just annoy me when Im sick.

Not mention sleep is lacking in the house. Why you ask? This is what it looked like when I rolled out of bed this morning.

Are you wondering where I slept? Im not sure myself.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Weekend updates

The family had a GREAT weekend!! Tots performance, dinner, mardi gras, down The kids were healthy and composed, their were no fits or fights. I could go on and on.

Here is sweet landon at her tots performance!!

She was perfect!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Vday Brownies.

Hello! Let me share with you some amazing goodness. A 4 ingredient vday brownie that is pure amazement.

Mix red velvet cake mix, 2 eggs, 1/3 veg oil into a batter. Mix in m&ms. (Savings avail on

Spread out into a greased 9x13. Bake about 14 min on 350.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Deals this week

I havent couponed at the drug stores in a while, but there were some quick and easy things this week that I wanted pick up. Im going to try and remember my breakdown. I meant to post tuesday, but you


Bought 2 excedrin at 4.99 and used 2 $1.50 coupons from the paper (and and used $2 off $8 in meds from the magic coupon machine. Received $2 extrabucks. Which equals $1.50 each.

Toothpaste - $3 - use $2.50 off from the magic coupon machine plus .75 from FREE

Lady speedstick $3 - use $1 off from coupon machine and $1 from paper. Pay $1

Total at cvs $4 for deodarant, toothpaste, and 2 bottles of meds!!!


Nutella on sale $3 with in ad coupon plus $2 coupon from paper. Pay .99

Scrubbing bubbles on sale $3.25 amd receive $1.50 RR with 2. Use bogo from - $1.75 for 2

My total for the day....$6.75 for the above products. Quick and painless and lots of savings!!!