Friday, March 27, 2015

Soap and Water

Just a little soap and water to occupy my kids. They loved it!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Deals and Chicken

A quick glance at the ads this week were non impressive. My only plan is to pick up some free toothpaste at walgeens. Colgate on sale for $3 with $2.50 register rewards plus $1 coupon from makes it a moneymaker!!

Before leaving this morning I placed one of my "dump chicken" bags in the crockpot.

After getting a huge pack of chicken at sams, I split it up and loaded my freezer

I must say I was not impressed with this for the second time in a row. I think it is the fact that I am using tenders. It was pretty dry.

I did however love these roastes brussell sprouts!! Season with evoo, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Roast at 425 till brown.

These never even made it to the plate. Daniel and I just stood there and ate away!!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Meals and Updates

Since Munchkin Market, deal seeking has taken a backseat. I plan to pick it back up next week since my pantry empty!! At least I still have my stockpile of about 20 boxes of cereal stacked up in the laundry!! :)

This week I cooked a little mexican stack up using some new ingredients. I typically use turkey meat for all my cooking and have plenty stocked thanks to the bogo brookshires!!

Below are my 2 new ingredients, again from the bogo sale. They were decent. Not award winning but good for a weekday meal.

Landon got her 4 yr old shots yesterday and did AWFUL. This pic was taken before with her prize that was promised to be opened after it was over.

You can clearly see the clearance sticker. :) of course it came from my 70% off stockpile.

She screamed, kicked, pushed the shots out of the nurses hand, yelled mommy please dont let them hurt me, and needed multiple people to hold her down. It.was.torture!!!! I needed a shot myself....of xanax.

I liked my kids much more like this....

Calm...collected...and feeding each other.

Munchkin Market

So Munchkin Market was everything I wanted and more.  Except for now I am depressed that it is over.  It happens every year....the anticipation, the anxiety, the crazys coming out to play and then BOOM its over.  In the meantime as I wait 6 months for it to re-enter my life again, my kids have  closets full of beautiful clothes that they may or may not ever wear but to me they just shine with success.  Since they are such great is basically like I am renting the clothes.  If all goes well and the kids don't get too cray cray, I will sale them back for the same price or more.  Win Win!!!

Let me back up and explain the Munchkin Market concept to those who may not be familiar.  Two brilliant ladies designed a consignment sale twice a year for "upscale" clothes.  It was truly brilliance.  They have built a dynasty of consignors with super cute clothes sold each year.  They also offer "volunteer" shifts......the more you work the earlier you shop.  16 hours gets you in first, therefore 16 hours of my time they receive.  I absolute can NOT stand anyone shopping before me.  On shopping day, I must carve out at least 4 hours of my day.  Yes, I require that much time to make decisions.  Since you cannot return items you must be sure of your purchases.  Let me help you with a visual.  The doors open...I power walk to Landon's size (always go to girls first), I drag a laundry basket with a dog leash attached behind me, and start dumping clothes while quickly trying to see everything before someone tries to skip in front of me.  Once I have dump my 1st look at the girls into the basket, I briskly walk to the boys and repeat. ( I always always restock my shoes here). Then on to the books and now my mound of clothes is falling out of the basket and I am awkwardly trying to hold on to it and not look too crazy.  (which I clearly am).  Once this is done, I repeat for a second look to be sure I didn't miss anything.  When I am finally satisfied, I find a spot on the floor to review and make decisions.  I make 4 piles:  Must keep, lets think about it, I don't need it, and why did I pick this up.

After about 4 hours I am walking out with restocked clothes!!!!!!!  Now, don't forget that I am also a consignor.  The last two sales, I have made more than I spent.  You know what that means? Basically FREE clothes!!!!

Selling at Munchkin Market takes practice.  It's all about the pricing,  I sold the most that I have ever sold this year and continue to get better each sale.  My friend Kourtney (name drop) has given me some mad tips along the way that is molding me each year.  I seriously could talk about this all day long.

In closing, here are some pics of clothes that has made their new home with the Emorys!!

Look at that collection of pretties!!

Have you ever seen these pants for kids??

Are you sharing in my excitement???

Friday, March 13, 2015


Munchkin Market updates coming soon. Until then let us look at a few updates. Ruddick got his first goose egg.

Luckily, he survived. However, daniel was questionable. He seriously cant handle things well. Like a third child. Im serious.

The kids painted my nails. I have a four year old hand and a two year old hand.

Since Ruddick INSISTS on doing everything EXACTLY like landon, This time together ended in melt down and tears. The polish had to go away. Landon holds the bottle so Ruddick wants to hold the bottle which ends up spilled. And of course that is the end of the world for Landon because "Ruddick ruins everything" to which he responded by tackling her to the ground. It was awesome. Really, it was.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Munchkin Market

Those who know me well know that Munchkin Market is one of my favorite times of the year!!!! It is where I clothe my children for the year!!! Did you think I paid full price for those cute outfits??

Today I begin working my volunteer shifts so I can shop early. It also allows me to scope out the merchandise and make my game plan!!

I will dream about this game plan until I shop on monday and hopefully gain success!

Ill keep you updated!!


Monday, March 2, 2015

I can't take this thing called parenting!!!

When I think about my future as I parent, the thing I am most afraid of is bullies and mean girls.  I don't know if I can survive hurt feelings, hateful words, being on the outside, not being invited, ect. ect.  I have a major fear of rejection in life........its a weakness.

I don't remember a significant time in my life that created this fear.  I know as a child when me or my sister asked for permission to do something I always asked the responder to follow the rules of "no means yes and yes means no".  That way, if the answer is "no" than I don't actually have to hear the word.  It's pure craziness.

So now I am terrified of rejection for my children. Here are a couple of conversations I have had recently with my 4 year old.

RL:  Mommy we call Kid 1 "blah blah blah" (i couldn't understand what she said but it didn't sound nice).

Me:  Why did you call him that?

RL:  Because Kid 2 and Kid 3 told me to

Me:  We don't have to do what everyone tells us to do

RL:  But I want them to be my best friend (insert sad, confused, pitiful face)

Ughhh........I can't take it!! FOUR.YEARS.OLD!

Next convo:

Me:  RL, I don't like it when you tell people they are not your best friend anymore.  It is mean and it makes people sad

RL:  But if someone does something bad then they can't be my best friend

Me:  We don't need to say things that make people sad

RL:  Well.........then I don't know what to do, mommy.

She is now staring at me and assumes that I will give her everything she needs to face her pre-k classroom.  I can't.  It it breaks me!!!

My only response in this teary eyed moment........let's just pray about it and ask Jesus.