Friday, March 28, 2014

Favorite Things Friday

Today I will discuss my favorite music. I am not a huge music changes my life kinda person, but I do enjoy the often mood altering experience.

My likes and dislikes have no patterns and barely make sense. Its all over the place.

In highschool, I chose to listen to whatever was popular or what I could afford to buy on a tape single to play on my awesome dual cassette player. Of course my friends and I made copies for each other to cut down on cost. Friends help friends save money. The more money we save here the more money we have for gas on the weekends to drive around for hours to stalk the popular people in the Brookshires parking lot.  Didn't you know? Anyone who is anyone hangs out in the Brookshires parking lot.

In college, I listened to those songs that were clearly written for me to describe whatever relationship problems I was going through at the time.  The sad ballads, the empower me as a woman, the boys sucks, the I want you back, the songs that clearly described your life.  I would drive around on the back roads with the windows down singing my heart out and imagining that I sounded like Christina Aguilera.  I'm pretty sure that I do sound like her a little bit. :)

Lets also not forget the club songs.  I most certainly listened to the club songs.  I had to be prepared with my steller dance moves.  It defined me.  Did you also know that I was the DJ for Karaoke night?  Yep, I was.  I called myself "DJ Jazzy Jules" and my crowd said "What?!?"  My staples you ask? Coolio - Gansta's Paridise and Reba - Fancy.  Ask me to perform for you.......I may bust out with it.

Into my adulthood music kind of fell off the radar for me.  Nothing was appealing. I guess my old mature self just couldn't keep up with the new age music.  I don't get the Pit Bull, Beyonce annoys me, Gaga overwhelms me, blah blah blah.  It is here that I found Christian music.  Love it.  Seriously, Love it.

I can honestly say that this music has encouraged and kept my relationship with Jesus Christ on track.  Thank goodness!! I am human and a walking sin, so I need a constant back pocket companion.  This music keeps my relationship relevant and living every day.  If you are local...88.7 is the place to be.  Try it out and I promise it will make a difference in your daily life.

Now........I still bust out some old school every once in a while.  This morning I jammed to a little snoop dog, just to make sure I still had some skills.  I am happy to report.......I still have skills.  Mad skillz.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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