Sunday, November 24, 2013

Black Friday Prep

Alright people let's talk Black Friday. What are your plans? Fighting the crowds? Stalking the web? Have done your research and made a plan?

You must have a plan! It is essential if you plan to stay stong against the black hole of sales taunting you in every direction.

First make a list of names on your Christmas list and what you have in mind. Also, write a list of things on your own wish list.  Black Friday doesn't have to JUST be for Christmas gifts.  If there is a good deal on something you have been wanting, BUY IT! No judgement here.  This is THE BEST time to buy a TV if that is on you needs list.

Next, look over the ads for something that catches your eye.  I highly suggest an app on your phone for easy access.  I use the following for research purposes: - This website will hold all your sale ads and tips on the best deals.  I also recommend this app.  It is a quick and easy reference for all items included in the sales.

If you are not a crowd pusher, take note of the stores that will be running the sales online.  Obviously, watch out for shipping!!

If you see an item you like in stores or online always check the price against walmart or amazon.  Know the "deal" you are getting.  Just because it says its on sale doesn't really mean it is the best price available.

I don't plan to list the "best deals" because that really depends on what you are looking to buy.  You determine what is the best deal for YOU!!

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