Sunday, June 30, 2013


I am so excited that we are heading into a 3 day work week!!  This makes me very happy and little less worried about the mess that always surrounds me.  Trying to have the entire house cleaned and everything put in its place all at the same time is kind of like running around in one of those hamster wheels.  Most of time I have no recollection of how things ended up landing in such a strange place and 1/2 of the strange places becomes the items new home.

Unfortunately, after wasting an hour of taking pictures of deals in the paper with coupons and trying to upload to this blog (as well as downloading a new browser), I still can't get any pictures to appear.  This kind of experience wipes out all of my good thoughts of technology and turns it into spite.  I mostly get frustrated because I don't understand technology and I don't know how to fix it!!!

I have sat at my kitchen table for the last hour with two computers and a phone trying to figure how to fix my blog problem, how to transfer things into icloud (because I have 40 pictures on my phone and it tells me I cannot take anymore???), and how to get a tinkerbell movie off of my phone that is apparently is taking up 1/2 of my storage (can that go into icloud?) What the heck is icloud??

So now I must walk away and prepare for a birthday party feeling under accomplished and confused.  :(

1 comment:

  1. Get the blogger app on your phone- it has made my life so much easier. I blog from my phone and attach pictures straight from my iPhone photo album with one click and no time waiting for them to download! It's free and simply called Blogger (big orange B)
