Thursday, March 1, 2012


No new or interesting meals to report, so I will post a couple that are not anything special but may spring some ideas.  Chili dogs!!!  We very very rarely have hot dogs.  Honestly, I don't think RL has ever had one? However, I picked some up at a sale a few weeks ago so I incorporated them into a rotation.  I made some chili for the crockpot in the morning to simmer all day.  The up side of this is that it literally took me 10 minutes after work to get it ready.  The down side is browning meat and mixing chili at 5 AM in the morning.  D was extremely confused and I am pretty sure that for a split second he thought I had COMPLETELY lost my mind.  I do that sometimes. Loose my mind that is. It's part of my charm.

 Clearly it is important to add a healty factor to the meal.  Carrots did the trick.  Bag of baby carrots, steamed in the microwave with a zip lock steamer bag.  Add a litte brown sugar for the adults.

There are many great things about living in Louisiana. Humidity and frizzy hair is NOT one of them, Mardi Gras IS one of them.  I have never really participated in many festivities, but I think the concept of throwing colorful beads off of "floating" trailors is fascinating.  RL thinks beads are fascinating.  Doesn't a daddy/daughter dress up party melt your heart??
 RL really doesn't have a bald spot as pictured above.  Her curls are just misplaced. :)

Next up....Zatarans Jumbalya.  Always on sale at brookshires and always coupons.  Same with the sausage. Super easy. Super fast.

And thats all for now!! Yay for a new follower.  Welcome, friend.

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