It was the brisk morning of New Years Eve that I decided to join my dad in a little hunting. I covered my body with layers and layers of clothing so that I would not be distracted by pesky shivers.
As we drove in close to the land, the cows were up and moving which according to my dad and his grandfather means the deer will also be moving. We walked to my tent and there standing right in front of us was a deer!! Staring us us a hint of whats to come!! Im ready, friend. I got this.
Immediately, I saw deer after deer. Heard every bird possible and Im convinced there was a turkey gobbling right outside my window. I never could get a shot.....they were too fast, I was too slow, or they decided to moon me instead of the stance I needed.
Then 30 mins of nothing...... I used this time to gather my thoughts and plan for the future. I envisioned the shot, the fall of the deer, my yell of excitement, the picture I would take in front of my prize and so on. I thought about the jealousy my husband would feel and the reminders I would give him of how totally cool I am. (Clearly we all know this, right?). I KNEW I was getting the next deer that exited those woods.
Then they came. 3 perfectly spaced out in a line. I got this. BOOM!!! Holy crap.....that hurt....thats alot of blood. Oh mi goodness....that REALLY hurts and again thats alot of blood. Hmmm. What to do phone service, Ill get out of the tent and start walking to the truck. What the heck? The deer is still staring at me!!!! I can hear him taunting me
I walked back to the truck taking a couple breaks to lay down on the leaves and get my bearings. Im not sure if it was the sight of blood or the pain but passing out was def an option.
A few days later it was confirmed that New Years Eve 2014, I broke my nose.
And thats the story....I wish it ended with a deer steak on my table but instead Im empty handed with a broke face.
Here is a collection of the progress over the last few days
Creepy. Mug shot maybe?
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