Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Moving Forward

After a long weekend, we are back into the swing of things.  Emory style that is....

Sunday RL threw up for the first time.....all over was awesome.

Harper started urinated blood.  Also awesome.  I immediately broke into tears assuming kidney failure.  I thought of all the times I have robbed him of the attention he has patiently waited for. Its the kids fault, of course.  Luckily, it was not kidney failure but badder stones.  He had surgery to remove the stones on Monday and came home with a nice cone on his head.  I was worried that the kids would try to mess with him post surgery.  Instead  RL feels too sorry for him and doesn't want to hurt him and Ruddick is SCARED of anything new and different.  Seriously he screamed all night.

Monday my office had a gas leak.  That is what they told us anyway as we evacuated and all went home to work.  Turns out.....miscommunication at ATMOS.  Craziness, right?

I have taken the savings/shopping week off to regather myself, my coupons, and my plans.  I need some new staples in my house........and suggestions will be accepted!!!

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