In order to stay within your set budget each month, there needs to be weeks that you spend zero on groceries. Take your random kitchen items and make random meals. I have plenty of them, but I won't bore you. Want to share your go to weekly meals?
Deals I noticed in the paper:
Office depot - use these to hold your coupons in your purse!
And lots from walgreens
Composition book
Im excited about what I am doing with school supplies this season!!! I have a good friend who serves as a missionary/teacher in Pane Honduras. She is an amazing selfless woman who has given up all of the convenience of the
American life for she and her son to serve others on a volunteer bases. I have known her for about 8 years and she has always talked about her desire to serve in this area. I am so inspired by her obedience and patience as she watched God pave the way to move her to Honduras.
Let's be real and honest. I am just too selfish of a person to do the work she does. I place alot of value on materials and convenience...internet shopping, a vehicle in the garage, air condition. I can't imagine giving those things up for an undetermined amount of time.
So how can I support her? School supplies are really expensive there, so a school supply drive we will have!!!!
If you are in town drop offs can be made at first west and first west fairbanks or I can pick up. If your not in town, you can donate $ and I will shop for you. Do you know how many kids you can provide for with just $5???
I know that I could never do what she does everyday, but this is what I can do.
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